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Under layment problem


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  • Under layment problem

    I scraped up some old vinyl tile that was layed directly to the subfloor. I stapled down luaun for an underlayment. As soon as I finished, I noticed a problem. The luaun made a snap, crackle, pop when walked on. The problem was the adhesive left over from the old tile would grab the luaun, then it would pop loose. So I pulled it up and took some mineral spirits and a rag to cut the old adhesive. This only seemed to rejuvenate the old glue and make it tackier. My next move was to buy 1/2" plywood and screw it down. All seemed well so I layed the floor (self-stick vinyl strips). After a few days, the popping came back. Customer is willing to live with it, but I can't let this go. I'm going to tear it all up. Question is, what can I do to to stop the popping? Can I put something under the plywood? I didn't use any type of adhesive under my plywood. I will have to stick with 1/2" plywood because of other things I did in the kitchen. Thanks.

  • #2
    I know the problem your having, Ive seen it dozens of times and your right it's a pain. Assuming you cannot remove the adhesive, the best solution is to roll out red rosin paper over the adhesive then install your ply.
    Another option is to paint the area with an oil based primer like Zinser Gold etc...
    (I've never done it but I have seen it done is to broom over the adhesive with dust or saw dust etc.. theory is that the dust sticks to the adhesive making it not sticky anymore. Doubt I'd ever do it on any job I'm at but it did work the time I saw it done.)
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3
      paint n varnish remover takes it off but not completely. acetone or lacquer thinner will dissolve any adhesive that's left. then, use the dust technique and rosin paper that pushkins suggests. screw the subfloor with screws about every six inches square.


      • #4
        Sounds like good advice. Thank you both.

