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Bamboo Flooring


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  • markstrama
    Bamboo Flooring declines any responsibility for flooring failure resulting from substrate and/or jobsite environmental deficiencies.

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  • chacha
    Originally posted by Janeofalltrades View Post
    Yes, I gather that it is just as good as hardwood flooring and that it is better to use as far as Earth responisility is concern. However, what I am asking is not whether or not I can handle the install-- I am asking for tips regarding bamboo flooring installating that might be diferent from traditional hard wood flooring installation. Any advice of that sort?

    bamboo flooring is great yet its a unique style of flooring and its easy for you to clean it

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  • pushkins
    Unless you have concrete floors solid 3/4" nail down flooring is really the only way to go, anything less is doing yourself harm in the long run. NEVER have I seen engineered or laminate flooring outlast solid 3/4". As well any real estate agent worth their weight in salt would always tell you solid is a much better investment return on your money.

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  • Janeofalltrades
    Great question to ask. Currently, I am not sure I have a specific brand name of bamboo flooring that I am looking to use, however, I am trying to decided between engineered or solid wood planks because each has it's own particulars concerning installation: nail, glue or floating. Would you recommend one way of installing over another? The answer to this question really would determine what type/brand of flooring I chose.

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  • knowitall
    it may help if you share with us a brand or specific flooring bamboo you are looking at. Then we could help you better.

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  • knowitall
    I think what we were trying to get at is that it is pretty much the same. It should still be coming in sheets, or in planks. Since it is still a wood it installs exactly the same.

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  • Janeofalltrades
    Yes, I gather that it is just as good as hardwood flooring and that it is better to use as far as Earth responisility is concern. However, what I am asking is not whether or not I can handle the install-- I am asking for tips regarding bamboo flooring installating that might be diferent from traditional hard wood flooring installation. Any advice of that sort?

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  • knowitall
    Bamboo is great, it is cheaper than traditional hardwood floors, yet it looks beautiful. Most people do not even notice it is bamboo. If you can install other flooring than you can definitely install bamboo.
    angie's list handyman reviews
    Last edited by knowitall; 07-02-2011, 01:24 PM.

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  • Janeofalltrades
    That is great to hear because I think it is a nice alternative as well! Any advice you could give that is specific to installing bamboo? You know, any little tidbit I should know?

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  • pushkins
    I've installed almost 15,000 square feet of solid bamboo, I love the stuff, not only is it environmentally friendly it looks great as well.
    If you have experience with solid hardwood installation then solid bamboo shouldn't be outside your reach.

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  • Janeofalltrades
    started a topic Bamboo Flooring

    Bamboo Flooring

    Okay guys, I have a question about bamboo flooring. Does anyone on this forum have any expereince installing it? Is it more difficult then traditional hardwood floors or wood/laminate flooring? I am very interested in this type of flooring because it seems to be just a beautiful and strong as traditional woods, yet it is also more sustainable. I think that the bamboo wood is cut in tongue and groove slats as traditional hard wood flooring, I just want to ask someone who may have installed it personally before I haul off and do it myself. Suggestions?