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Legato Carpet Panels


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  • Legato Carpet Panels


    Has anyone had any experience with installing the Legato Carpet Panels that you can purchase from Home Depot and install yourself. I have a 13x 13 area of old carpet that I want to replace. I was wondering how hard it is to install. I have a somewhat uneven concrete subfloor. Also how had is it to cut for the customizing the edges? Any input is much appreciated.



  • #2
    My brother in law used Legato carpet in his very very large walkout basement (1,000 square feet) I helped him install them and found them very easy to install. A sharp knife, a tape measure and a straight edge is all you need and they are almost fool proof to lay. The joins are visible for a short period of time until the carpet pile starts to blend together. They are very easy to clean (outside with a hose) should anything bad happen like a spill or pet problems. They would cover reasonably uneven concrete fairly well, tho any major differences would best be fixed with some floor leveler first.
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3
      I agree. They are easy to install and does not require much effort compared to certain others. My mother in law could do it (and she's not so young anymore). Recommended and is good price ratio.
      ceramic tiling tips


      • #4
        Bump to ask for more opinions

        I'm considering "Legato" too, and have been compiling figures comparing them to other carpet options. I've found few choices for DIY carpet installation, and have got the impression that laying the traditional separate-pad kind myself probably isn't a good idea.

        So I'm bumping the old thread to ask whether anyone else has tried these "Legato" carpet tiles/panels/whatever, and what you thought of them -- cost compared to other options (DIY and not), installation, and how well they've served. So far I'm leaning toward these but not all the numbers are in yet.
        Last edited by Meffy; 02-26-2007, 06:52 PM.


        • #5
          Never mind. Couldn't bear the cost of the stuff so I'm going to put down old-fashioned roll carpet in the bedroom instead.

