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Wax stain on carpet


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  • Wax stain on carpet

    During the process of demolishing my bathroom for a renovation project, I managed to get a big chunk of the toilet's wax ring under my shoe and tracked it onto the carpet in the hallway. Being very sticky wax, it now shows as a dirty spot and it won't go away by rubbing. Carpet cleaner (Resolve) didn't do it either.

    Anyone have any ideas or homespun remedies for getting the wax out of the carpet? I'm thinking that perhaps a steam cleaning company could do it since their equipment involves fairly high heat....But I'd prefer to avoid spending the money if I can.

  • #2
    the wax ring is pure beeswax. take some paper towels and put a coupla layers over the stain and use a regular clothes iron on the high heat setting. the heat will melt the wax and the paper will absorb it. keep on doing this over and over until there's hardly anything coming up. then use a dry cleaning solution to clean the area. the chemicals in the solution will further clean and melt the wax. then just shampoo as normal.


    • #3
      Thank you. Will give it a try!

