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radiant heat flooring


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  • radiant heat flooring

    completely renovating the bathroom and would like to install radiant heat flooring. ripped out the subfloor. plan to then throw down some backer board & tile. it appears that warmboard takes alot of the BS out of the process, but is it worth the price?
    warmboard web site is
    224.00 per 4x8 sheet.

  • #2
    seems to me to be a lot of headaches. while openly in the video it makes sense to have a structurally sound sub floor, it still is a little steep for my resources. you'll need a lot of extra tools and tooling to do the job. do you have a 3/4hp plunge router and grinder? the bits look like a ball end router bit with a follower collar. look into radiant electric heat. you don't need a special router, just a pair of scissors and a stapler. you can pour your quickset as a base for your tile. then use the same quickset for the tile.


    • #3
      Yep, I'd have to agree as well with hayzee, seems a very expensive approach compared to other floor warming systems.
      I most often use Danfoss cabling for my clients, it's very flexible so you can wrap around toilets etc....
      There are many other suppliers of the same type of product out there.
      Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
      Every day is a learning day.

