I need to remove vinal over vinal tiles and prep the floor for lamenit (sorry about spelling)floor.Its plywood floor and been patched in several places whitch created low spots.Sure could use some help thanx N8
Unless your concerned about the height of the floor you can go right over the vinyl. As far as the low spots you can use floor leveler on those spots to raise them to the height of the rest of the floor. You also can use the Roberts foam/plastic underlayment for underneath the laminate. So usless you still want to take up the vinyl floor for some reason that only you can see(since its your project and none of us are able to veiw the condition of it) you could leave the vinyl down, put floor leveler in the low spots, then roll out the Roberts underlayment and lay the laminate on top of the underlayment.
Lay a sheet of tin foil over the 12 x 12 square and then run an iron over that area for a minute. Then pry up a corner and force a "10 in 1" tool, or something like it, under the vinyl tile and it'll come up in one piece.
When I took mine up, I had concerns about possible asbestos problems so I wanted to make sure not to rip or tear them.
Heat guns will work also but you have to be careful as some of them put out a LOT of heat and can actually start fires.