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Water Heater Leak from base of Valve


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  • Water Heater Leak from base of Valve

    I have a pic included and what I have is a fine spray of water coming out from what seems to be the threads where the pressure realease valve connects to the tank. You can almost see the spray in the pic...On a handy scale of 1-10 I am about a 7. But plumbing is usually my weakest topic. I am assuming this one is prolly non-repairable and I cant get a new tank right now ... so IM thinking of draining the tank and filling the area around the base completely with jb weld.... I am very open to suggestions on this one. First post here and thanks for the help in advance..

  • #2
    judging from the rust pattern I think its time for a new water heater. I can just imagine how much sediment is in the tank. usually the sacrificial anode coats internal scratches with zinc to prevent further destruction but in your case it looks like its beyond help.


    • #3
      Sometimes those type leaks can be repaired....

      But usually only in cases where there was a loose or disturbed connection...

      And Never in a case where the steel tank has corroded badly enough to cause the leak...

      Looking at that leak and the condition of the tank based on what I can see in this photo, I'd be putting in a brand new water heater...

      I wouldn't even attempt to waste time repairing it...
      I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
      Now I can Plumb!

      For great information on the history of sanitary sewers including the use of Redwood Pipe
      Did you know some Redwood Pipe is still in service today.

