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Toilet Flushing Very Slowly


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  • Toilet Flushing Very Slowly

    I live in an apartment complex, and as of lately, I've had issues with my toilet either not flushing properly or taking forever to drain. Generally, a little plunger action can ease the situation, but it's not working anymore.

    When I flush the toilet, the water fills the bowl quickly but will not drain. Once the tank is full of water again, the bowl will then start to slowly drain.

    I've used a plunger and auger to no avail. Also, it sounds like the water is running constantly in the back, but I can't see it running when I look in the tank. I'm thinking that I just need to make some kind of minor adjustment somewhere.

    Does anyone have any helpful suggestions? I would be most appreciative!

  • #2

    the main stack needs to be flushed or rodded out. there is a blockage in the main drain. the vent going to the roof may be blocked. air is needed to properly empty a toilet.

