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Neo-angle shower leak


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  • Neo-angle shower leak

    We need help! We have a neo-angle shower that has leaked pretty much since it was installed. We have caulked the inside and the outside, but still the problem remains. It leaks at the corners where the frame of the glass meets the base and it has gotten under our floor, which also needs replaced now.

    We had a contractor tell us that he has put in about 10 of these showers and has been called back for leaks on all of them. This contractor did other work in another bathroom and the quality was good. He says that ALL of these showers leak and are poorly designed. NOW: We go to a home improvement store and the person in that department told us that he believes it was installed wrong and that he has never had anyone call back to complain about a leak (this is in reference to ones that are NOT glued to the wall; he has had the ones glued to the wall leak, but not that often).

    If anyone has experience with this, PLEASE HELP! We need to decide whether to try a neo-angle again or do something different. If not a neo-angle, it will totally change our bathroom, not for the better!

    What do you all think?