I live in Indiana, we usually have alot of rain, and alot of ground water in my area. I have an old farm house that was built in the late 1800's with a full basement. The basement has a 6" hole one corner that acts as the drain. It does good sometimes, like when it is dry out, or when the ground is frozen. It has been an issue I need to fix though as water seems to come up through the hole more than it drains during wet times(alot!) I have sit a pump on it for now and I am able to keep the water down to just that corner. I have seen the hole when it is empty and right below the concrete floor it seems to be made entirely out of red bricks. I would like to bust out that corner floor(seems to be about 8"+ thick) and install a sump well and attach that to my septic which is only about 5' from that corner. I have seen many pages saying this really isnt a hard project and is one I could do myself. What advice would you have for trying something like this and what would you do in my position?