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Low Water Pressure


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  • Low Water Pressure

    I've got 80# water pressure as measured on a pressure guage INSIDE the house. It's a city water line. When I turn on a faucet in the house, any faucet, the pressure drops to below 10#. I've got 3/4" plastic pipe running to each appliance, then it's switched to 1/2" entering each faucet. What about an inline water pressure booster pump? 80# seems to be pretty high to drop to almost nothing. Any thing I should check? When I changed the plumbing to 3/4" it seemed to work fine for awhile then began to drop over a period of time. I also have an inline water purifier filter, could this be getting clogged and causing the drop in pressure?

  • #2
    take the filter out and see what happens. this hayzee - I live about 45 mi from massena


    • #3
      I am quite certain this is not an issue which could be, or needs to be, solved with a pump.

      Based on your reported symptoms, something is restricting the VOLUME of water that can flow, resulting in the pressure drop. The static pressure, measured with no water flowing, will show the source pressure without regard to the blockage

      Since you mentioned a filter, this is an obvious first check.

      The second thing which can cause this is if you have a pressure regulator valve (PRV) then that device can be defective and cause the same symptoms.

