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Noisy Hot water in Kitchen


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  • Noisy Hot water in Kitchen

    HELP me out here. Ok, yes, I'm a chick but humor me.
    Lately when I turn on my hot water, after 2-3 minutes the water pressure drops and my pipes "stutter". What might this be?

  • #2
    water chatter...

    Suspect this may be a bathroom sink issue. If so:
    Most likely it's a loose or worn faucet washer. Turn the water off to both, hot and cold from under the sink. Turn the faucets on to relieve any residual pressure. Using a crescent wrench, loosen and remove the ~second~ nut under the hot water faucet handle. The first one is a packing nut. On the end of the stem you'll find a rubber type washer with a center screw. Remove screw and old washer. Replace new washer and old screw. Insert valve back in and tighten the nut and that should solve the problem.


    • #3
      ok, water problems aren't selective to male or female. the whole valve heats up and expands when hot water is flowing through it. I have noticed that if I just crack my hot water in my bathroom sink, eventually the flow will stop due to expansion of the valve stem. I need to open it up more to have a steady stream of hot water. but like bob said check your stem washer. while you're in there check the seat for any worn areas. most seats are replaceable nowadays with a hex wrench.


      • #4
        If this is the kitchen sink and not the bathroom, does it make a difference?


        • #5
          what kind of faucet??? post pic, of faucet not you
          Is it beer thirty??

