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Water softener.


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  • Water softener.

    Had a softener in the last house also and NEVER had this problem. The softener was not used for an unknown period of time before we moved in this house. The water here is rusty. There's salt in the brine tank. I rebuilt the power head. Even tried regenerating every day. The water is sort of soft, but sure does cause a rust stain on all it touches! The house before this one would stain the appliances if it ran out of salt, but never as long as the brine tank had salt. Could it be the resin bed is shot? I did replace the resin at the last house and it seemed like it did make a diff. The original resin was a coppery color, the new stuff was yellow. The last house was a 50' well, this house is a shallow well at around 20'. I believe the hardness is around 430 grains.

  • #2
    The majority of softeners will take out only so much iron. If your water from the well water has a fairly high iron content then the softener will not be able to remove it all. Get your well water tested, you may need an IRON filter


    • #3

      Thanks, Hube. Will look into that.

