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something inside the inner water chamber


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  • something inside the inner water chamber

    When bowl is flushed most of the time the water goes down just as it should, but sometimes the water just changes but doesn't make a complete flush, leading me to believe something has been flushed down into the chamber ( a container or something of that sort) that moves over the hole sometimes. My question, is there a way to remove this article short of taking off the toliet? I know I can do that and get it but looking for an easier way, Help please, Buck

  • #2
    I'm not sure this is the problem, but a closet auger would do what you want.
    You may have a venting problem however.


    • #3
      Ive pulled pencils, pens and a plastic set of playing cards out of toilets. Most pens and pencils will not go thru the trap in a toilet and you can take an inspection mirror and look up inside the toilet and check to see if there is anything there. I test a toilet by flushing it a few times to see if it flushes good, and then take a wad of toilet paper about the size of a baseball and flush it, if there is anything in the toilet this will normally clog it up, if it flushes on thru then the water isnt going from the tank into the bowl fast enough to make it flush properly. To test this pour a large glass of water into the toilet at the same time its flushed, if it flushes right then there is a problem with the flapper in the tank, the water level could be too low, or the holes around the rim are clogged up and need to be opened. Take a mirror and coat hanger and open the holes and see if this helps

