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tankless water heater vs a traditional tank model


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  • tankless water heater vs a traditional tank model

    Hello everyone!

    Can anyone explain the differences between a tankless water heater and a traditional tank model? Which is better for my home?

  • #2
    Hey there! The main difference between tankless and traditional water heaters is how they heat water. Traditional models store and keep a large amount of hot water ready, but they can run out and use more energy since they constantly keep the water heated. Tankless heaters, on the other hand, heat water only when you need it, which can be more energy-efficient and saves space, but they might struggle with multiple high-demand uses at once and can be pricier upfront. If you need a lot of hot water at once or have a bigger household, a traditional tank might be better. But if you’re looking to save space and energy, a tankless heater could be the way to go.

