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Choosing an auger


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  • Choosing an auger

    I have what I think is an odd plumbing problem. I have a backed up toilet that, when plunged, comes up in the bathtub in the bathtub in the next room. Then as the tub drains out the water still can't get down the drain and instead leaks out into the floor under the tub and leaks through the downstairs ceiling. This is not the first time this has happened so I knew how to clean it up and the leak was minimal, but I would like to take care of this myself rather than paying a ton for a plumber. Last time the plumber used an auger to dig down into the bathtub in the next room and pull out the clog.

    I wanted to know if there was a specific type of auger I should use or any tips or warnings I should be aware of before trying to get this clog out.

  • #2
    The fact that it comes up in the bathtub says it is not a toilet problem but rather a main line problem. So in that case no toilet auger is going to help.

    Depending on the drain configuration of your home a plumber would open a cleanout, pull the toilet, snake down through a roof vent or, a variety of other options to access the line for cleaning with a properly sized drain cleaning machine. I would recommend calling a drain cleaning company for service they will have you up and running in most cases in a couple of hours from placing the call.

    By the time you take the how to course in what to do, rent a piece of crap undersized beat up rental machine and mess around with it for days you will see the wisdom in this statement.
    I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
    Now I can Plumb!

    For great information on the history of sanitary sewers including the use of Redwood Pipe
    Did you know some Redwood Pipe is still in service today.

