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Automatic door closer


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  • Automatic door closer

    I need to install an automatic door closer on the side door to my garage. The wind will grab it and slam it shut. But, when I am working on a project in the side yard or just ventilating my garage I often want it open. Does anyone make a door closer that also has an option to hold the door open? I'd like to kill two birds with one stone and not have to buy a door stop and a door closer. I've seen those light duty screen door punamtic ones, but I don't think those will work. Any ideas?

  • #2
    Absolutely, there are door closers designed to handle both closing the door and holding it open. Look for adjustable hydraulic door closers that often come with a hold-open feature. These can be fine-tuned to control how quickly the door closes and at what speed, while also letting you set and hold the door open at a specific angle. Another option is a hold-open arm door closer, which is specifically made to keep the door open at a fixed position but will still close it when needed. If you're open to a more advanced solution, electromagnetic door holders could be a great fit—they use a magnetic mechanism to keep the door open and will let it close when the magnet is deactivated. For a simpler setup, some spring-loaded door closers with a hold-open feature might work well if your door isn’t too heavy. If you can't find exactly what you need, combining a standard door closer with a separate hold-open device like a door stop or magnetic holder might be the way to go. Make sure to choose a door closer that matches the size and weight of your door and is durable enough for your environment.

