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Framing question - is this legit?


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  • pushkins
    A picture would help because there are many questions that arise from your description , what you describe doesn't seem untypical, ultimately it's a short wall with floor joists sitting on it, no different that a standard first floor wall with the second floor joists sitting on it, just short. A knee wall would be a better description.

    A picture would show how the floor joists are sitting on the wall as by code they should sit right over the top of a stud, there should also be a double top plate (so 2 2x4's running horizontal on the top of your sideways "ladder") the 2 x 4 touching the concrete foundation must be treated a well.
    Last edited by pushkins; 07-22-2015, 09:01 PM.

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  • jackson1
    started a topic Framing question - is this legit?

    Framing question - is this legit?

    we just found out some history on a house we bought. It passed inspection (for this anyway) and initially building inspection.

    Walk out basement - foundation on full wall side poured too low. The builder raised it by putting in a pier type ladder system of wood around the perimiter. The framing was done on top of that. To me that doesn't look very sturdy.

    The walls are level and the house is 15 years old now with no sagging.

    Basicilly think of the cement foundation wall then a sideways ladder with 2x4's that the framing and floor joists are supported on. I personally don't like it and will have a contractor or structural engineer look at it to see if it needs to be braced somehow.