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window sill repair from inside the house


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  • window sill repair from inside the house

    Some of my window sills and exterior trim have rotted likely due to a previous owner plugging up the weep holes in the triple track exterior storms. After some research, the window sill repair seems doable for me. I've only really seen info on replacing the sill from the outside of the house, but the windows in question are on the 3rd story. I have a two story colonial with a garage under a window replacement woodbridge, and walk-out basement in the back, property is on a slope, so the back and backsides of the house are virtually 3 stories. Can I do this type of work from inside the house? Any advice? Would I even be able to remove the triple tracks from the inside? I'm trying to avoid dying on a 40 foot extension ladder... thoughts?
    Last edited by kemiy; 09-30-2023, 11:58 AM.

  • #2
    Hi there! Tackling the repair from inside sounds like a smart move, especially given the height. If you can access the window sills and trim by removing interior moldings and taking out the triple tracks from the inside, you should be able to make the repairs without needing to climb a tall ladder. Just be cautious when disassembling any parts and make sure to properly seal the new sill to prevent future damage.

    If you find that you still need to address any issues on the exterior, using scaffolding or hiring a professional might be the safest options. Your approach will definitely help you avoid the risks associated with working at great heights, and you’ll be able to complete the job with a lot less stress. Good luck with your repairs!​

