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Drywall over paint


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  • Drywall over paint

    I need the hard truth here, so don't hold back!

    I have my addition all dry-walled and mudded. I did a bang up job mudding the walls but the ceiling didn't come out quite so well. After applying a primer coat and two coats of ceiling paint, I realize that one of the seams (that runs right over where the bed will go) is noticeable. I obviously didn't feather the mud out wide enough. How successful will I be in applying another coat or two of mud to that seam over the paint? If not very successful, what are my other options?

  • #2
    As long as the paint is cured (at least 7 days old and not an oil based paint) your okay to add another layer or two or three...of mud. What your experiencing is not uncommon.
    Hint for the future, apply the primer to the ceiling and then after it's dry shine a floor lamp up at the ceiling, that will show off any areas that need touching up before top paint coats.
    None the less ceilings are tough.
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3
      Mud Over Paint

      Mud over the paint is not uncommon at all. Every time you do a repair or remodel, you end up joining new drywall to old, no problem. Just let it cure up, as suggested.
      Drywall Taping & Finishing For Beginners

