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Odd Question About Applying One Step Stain / Poly over Old Trim


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  • Odd Question About Applying One Step Stain / Poly over Old Trim

    I redid almost all the trim in my house and most of it looks great. However, there are few pieces that soaked up my oil based stain differently and it appears like a lighter oak over a darker red that I was going for. I used a gloss Minwax polyurethane over the dried oil based stain, all the pieces are a few years old so it is 100% dry. I recently bought some Varathane stain and water based poly in one for a different project and tried some of it over a lighter trim piece that I didn't like. It actually greatly improved the color and appearance of the piece, more for what I was originally going for. My concern is will adding this one step Varathane stain and water based poly over an old oil based stained and poly'd piece be ok in the long run?

    This is the stuff I have in traditional cherry...

    Thought I'd ask prior to continuing with the rest of the pieces, thanks.

  • #2
    If you're dealing with old oil-based stain and polyurethane on your trim and want to update the color with Varathane's stain and water-based poly, it’s definitely possible. Start by lightly sanding the existing finish to create a good surface for the new product to adhere to, and then clean off any dust. It’s wise to test the new finish on a small, hidden area to make sure it meets your expectations before applying it to the entire piece. Following these steps should help you get the color and look you're aiming for while ensuring the new finish adheres properly.

