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Removing Fake Brick


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  • Removing Fake Brick

    I have recently bought a home and in the kitchen is this ugly, stained fake brick. I would like to remove it. I got out the scraper and a mallet and I am removing the bricks one - by - one. Two problems, this is taking forever and it is taking off a layer of the sheet rock. Is there a better way? Two walls in my kitchen are covered in this stuff.

  • #2
    Take it all down. If it's that difficult, that well glued on, then just yank off the drywall. New sheets are less than ten bucks each and you'll have a nice smooth finish to work with. Could be an opportunity to take care of any eletrical, insultion or other 'things'.....


    • #3
      Makes sense. Thanks, I hadn't thought of the electrical, insulation thing. Thanks.

