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Tub Grout Shrinking:Replace or Seal?


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  • Tub Grout Shrinking:Replace or Seal?

    The tile grout in my tub area is, for the lack of a better description, shrinking.

    So some of the grout is coming out leaving hairline gaps between tiles. Rather than ripping out all the grout I have been using a 3M tile sealant to fill the gaps and make it look nice. This seems to be working just fine.

    But now I'm having 2nd thoughts of doing it this way.

    I should mention that at some point I would like to redo my entire bathroom (on this long list of things to do ) so I don't want to put a huge amount of time into this one.

    Any comments or thoughts?

  • #2
    I'd continue this application until you demo and start anew.


    • #3
      Replacing grout

      If it's going to be awhile before you get around to redoing your bathroom, then I would replace the grout.

      Removing the old grout is a piece of cake, IF it is actually grout. I have replaced tile jobs that were actually previously grouted with Thinset instead of grout. Thinset is a fine sanded cement mortar mix, and it is very hard. Nearly impossible to get out without damaging the tiles.

      Grout on the other hand, is not near as hard, and with the proper tools, comes out very easily.

      I have used many grout removal tools, and I have a plastic handled one with replacable blades, that works just as good as any of the more expensive models I have tried. I got it at True Value for about 4 bucks.

      Simply rub the tool back and forth on the grout, and it comes out very quickly. Other tools will work, such as a screw driver, but not nearly as easily and you will probably chip the tile while doing so. Buying a grout removal tool will be well worth the effort, saving you both time and money.

      Re-grouting is explained at the bottom of the page at

