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Tile on kitchen walls


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  • Tile on kitchen walls

    We are buying an 80-year-old home that has been well-used for at least the last 30 years. We would like to start by remodeling the kitchen. Everything needs to go, including the weird tile on the plaster walls. We thought this was a decorative wallpaper-ish covering because the tiles are actually thin plastic (sort of like electrical coverings) and abut each other directly (no grout), but now it looks like they were each individually glued on.

    For much of the kitchen, this won't matter because we intend to either put up new ceramic tile or it will be covered with cabinets, appliances, etc. However, there is one (exterior) wall that looks terrible with this stuff up. Is there any good way to just pop these off... maybe steam the glue to help remove it, sand and apply a new thin coat of plaster?

    There are a lot of parts of this house that will be a challenge to update, so I expect to be here quite a bit in the coming years. Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    those plastic tiles are the old DIY make the house look nice type. they use a super contact adhesive on them. steaming them won't loosen the adhesive. guess the only way to take them off is with a thin pry bar and use acetone to remove the adhesive -or- adhesive tape.

