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Crumbling Adobe/Cement Interior Walls


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  • Crumbling Adobe/Cement Interior Walls

    We have a 1909 Farm House created from local adobe bricks. The interior walls were then covered with a cement (not the same as the mortar) and painted. In areas where previous owners have broken through the paint the cement crumbles like sand. Since they put up wood paneling (over another four coats of wallpaper) there were lots of holes. The original paint is beautifully stenciled with 7 different patterns and ten colors of paint to match the hand painted tin ceiling. We obviously want to restore rather than demolish this room. What is the best compound/product to patch the broken areas? Can anything be done to stop the walls from continuing to crumble inside? And, what types of paint should we use in the restoration process?

  • #2
    adobe is just clay mud with straw mixed in as a binder and baked in the sun to remove moisture and make a "cake." over the years it will absorb moisture and dry out again over and over again. eventually it'll just crumble as you said. you need some sort of an adhesive binder to keep it all together. just an idea, but how about the regular yellow carpenter's glue, thinned out so you can spray it over a large surface. apply several coats as the first one will be soaked up by the dry "adobe" before it cures. this may hold everything together.

