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I Need Painting Tips


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  • I Need Painting Tips

    I am about to paint the bathroom where I work. My boss and I have decisided to do with the Sponging technique, but I get to choose the colours.

    I've never done this type of project before.

    I just need a couple of tips.

    For one, is it possible to repaint a toilet bowl or a sink? I think I'm going to repaint the cabinet as well...

    And since I can't redo the ugly yellow and white tile and there's a huge browish-greenish locker cabinet we store Toilet paper and other bathroom supplies, I really have to work around them. Soooooo.... What colour should I paint the walls that wouldn't clash with a bad tile job and an ugly metal cabinet?

    But also, The walls and tile are stained a bit. I've been trying everything from Clorox to Lyson to get them clean, but I just can't seem to lift the bottom layer of scum off.

    Has anyone got any tips for me?

  • #2
    I also have yellow walls and find that 409 works well on them. Simply spray it on the surface and let it sit for a while then wipe the surface clean.

    As for your colors I would make the walls Yellow and white with maybe some wallpaper borders for additional decor....but that is me.

    Let us know how it turns out!


    • #3
      Toilet Bowl

      I don't think I would paint the toilet bowl and sink since these are always getting wet - you are just asking for peeling paint that looks bad.

      You can paint the metal cabinet with a spray paint provided you do the proper prep work. Make sure to use a respirator - spray paint in a closed location is very harmful.
      Drywall Taping & Finishing For Beginners


      • #4
        IF the tile is ceramic - use lacquer thinner or acetone to clean right down to the original shiny surface. forget about painting the sink and toilet as these are made of vitrified porcelain. what this means is that a glaze has been applied over a clay sink and toilet. these are fired in an oven to harden the glaze. there are cast iron bathtubs that can be refinished but this is a lengthy process that includes chemical and acid washes - well out of your reach. for your cabinet and spray paints - careful of what you use. certain types will actually raise the old paint off and make a wrinkle finish. enamels will go over lacquer, but NOT the other way around. The lacquer finish will dissolve oil based enamels.


        • #5
          right on track hayzee.
          I wouldn't be painting anything that is going to get wet on a regular basis.

          Only addition to earlier comment. 409 is an excellent cleaner but i would wipe the walls down with a damp rag to remover any residue of cleaner. If there is cleaner residue paint may fail is a tough area such as bath.

