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unfinished basement


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  • unfinished basement

    Hello Guys and Gals

    Lots of theories on what to do for finishing an interior basement cement wall and I would like yours.
    What I'm planning on doing is to leave a 1" air gap , then using 1" hard insulation sheets (studs are 2" from cement wall), then filling the stud voids with soft insulation then bringing down the vapor barrier from the cement wall (at outer sill plate) over the stud wall top plate, then down to the cement floor, then blue board.
    Any comments???


  • #2
    why leave an air gap between the wall and the hardboard? with cool air there the wall will sweat. get several tubes of industrial adhesive and glue the insul board to the foundation. place the studs right against the insul-board adjusting for plumb. you're gonna have a bottom plate? then do your fiberglass insulation and the vapor barrier. don't really need blueboard unless you have your heart set on it.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply

      I was told that if an air gap was present, that would make it not sweat.
      How can it sweat with the vapor barrier separating the cold and warm areas? If the two temps mix , then there is trouble right?
      Many people have said not to put the insul board on the cement. How can there be this many points of view on this subject?
      Are the codes or temps different here in Canada than the USA?
      You are wondering about a "bottom plate"? I'm going to build a regular 2x6 wall with fiberglass insulation , I need a top and bottom plate.



      • #4
        best bet check with your extension service or home building inspector. He's seen it all and would have the best answer. He's got to do an inspection of your job anyways.


        • #5
          Thanks for the info!

