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Newbie Here! Beaded ceiling & wainscotting walls


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  • Newbie Here! Beaded ceiling & wainscotting walls

    Man, if I only knew about this site a year ago then I would't have to go through all the pain and hassles of repairing a house. Anyways, as of now our house is about 80% complete with only the asthestics to worry about.

    What I'm trying to do is incorporate (SP?) is a beadboard plank ceiling along with wainscotting (the raised squared panels) walls. I've yet to see any pics with combination that would atleast give me some sense how it will work.

    Well, can anyone help?

    Forgive me for the dumb title. I meant beadboard, not beaded ceiling.
    Last edited by jlo96f3; 05-29-2008, 01:57 AM. Reason: can't spell

  • #2
    beadboard aka wainscotting is the same thing. raised panels are mostly a square frame with a panel set slightly behind the frame. sort of like a picture frame with the glass being the panel. I suppose you can make a square frame out of pine or oak with mitered corners and put in tongue and groove beadboard - all orientated in the same plane and then mount your panels on the ceiling.


    • #3
      Originally posted by HayZee518 View Post
      beadboard aka wainscotting is the same thing. raised panels are mostly a square frame with a panel set slightly behind the frame. sort of like a picture frame with the glass being the panel. I suppose you can make a square frame out of pine or oak with mitered corners and put in tongue and groove beadboard - all orientated in the same plane and then mount your panels on the ceiling.
      Yea that will work but what I'm trying to do is add pine beadboard to the ceiling then put raised panels on walls. With the beadboard ceiling, it will be painted white just as the raised panels. The raisend panel will be non oak or pine. I just don't know if these two will "clash" asthetically. Here are some pics....


      • #4
        the panels with a flat wall seem pleasing but with a beadboard ceiling might be kinda busy. I have beadboard on my ceiling here in upstate ny and it really clashes with the funny panelling somebody before me put up. so I'm in the process of ripping down the beadboard.

