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Walls & Ceiling Cracks


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  • Walls & Ceiling Cracks

    This last spring I purchased a 1 1/2 story house in mid-Michigan that was built in 2006 and has not been lived in until me. I did opt for a home inspection and everything passed with flying colors, the only two issues were the installation of a basement window and grading against the back of the house.

    Now 6 months later, I'm starting to think there was a good reason the house was on the market and empty as long as it was. It started with my cathedral ceiling, where the seams going up to the peaks started showing some cracks in the plaster about 1/4 inch off of the corners where the walls and ceiling comes together. I have since started noticing these corner cracks in more places around the house.

    I have a poured basement as well and have started notice hairline cracking along the walls and floor, in the corners, and now I am noticing some in the mid-wall. The cracks are thin and in the inside only, I've inspected the outer wall at the same locations and there are no visible signs of cracking, but as a first time home owner this is seriously starting to make me worry. There is also no water seepage or excess humidity to indicate leaking.

    I have found out that at least the upper levels of my lot have a heavy clay content, I'm not sure how deep that goes, but I've read how that might play a factor in the house settling. Since the house is only two years old and these issues were not visible before I purchased the house, is this something that I should be extremely worried about or am I just being paranoid?

    The cracks in the basement are what is most concerning me at this time as well and I have found a website called that offers a crack repair solution, but for the price that they are asking I was wondering if anyone has tried it or something similar that I might be able to use to repair the cracking issue in the basement.

    Any advice, pointers, etc... are appreciated by this panicked first time home buyer.

  • #2
    it is normal for a house to contunue settling for at least ten years. each year after initial ground breaking and the slab and foundation pour and subsequent back fill the ground will shift taking with it whatever was put in or on top of it.
    cracks are normal. big cracks mean no re-rod in the pour.
    companies use a pressure method of injecting hydraulic cement in to the cracks. hydraulic cement expands when it cures conventional cement does not. for the sheetrock joints, you'll need to apply some "mud" and use paper joint tape on the joints and butter in the repair and repaint.

