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cracks betwen walls and ceiling


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  • cracks betwen walls and ceiling

    Wonder if anybody can help.I live in eastern Canada and in the winter I get cracks between the walls and ceiling.3/4 places,center of the house.
    Once spring comes and it warms up,everything settles back in place

  • #2
    Old house? New House?


    • #3
      30 year old house.


      • #4
        If they only appear in winter and are gone in summer then it is most probably a lack of moist air during winter. Furnaces have a bad habit of drying out the homes air as this happens it sucks the moisture out of everything in the house including people, hence dry skin in winter. If you have a humidifier on your furnace line you need to up the humidity during winter. You can buy whole house free standing humidifiers for around the $300 mark if you prefer free standing.
        A simple pot of boiling water on the stove every couple of days will also make a remarkable difference. Clothes driers can be fitted with a bypass to allow hot moist air into the home during winter then simply ducted back outside during summer.
        Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
        Every day is a learning day.


        • #5
          Thanks,makes sence


          • #6
            I spoke to a guy here that does sheetrock installations - all he uses is paper tape and mud. for dur-rock - cement board he uses the nylon screen tape.

