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recaulking bathroom window


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  • recaulking bathroom window

    I'm not entirely sure this belongs in this subforum but I'm not sure where else I would put it! I am in the midst of recaulking the window that is within the bathtub/shower surround area. Unfortunately later in the evening after I had finished scraping all of the old caulk from around the window my spouse decided it would be a good time to take a shower. SO..... What next? Do I just leave it to dry for a few days? How long? UGH!!!!! I was hoping to have this project finished tomorrow but obviously not!!!

  • #2
    should have put plastic sheeting up over the window to keep some of the water off it. now yer stuck to dry out the window area where you are going to re-caulk it. use a hair dryer and dry off the areas hit by water. when you are comfortable re-caulk. let the compound cure before allowing water to contact it. least let it skin over.


    • #3
      Thanks. Yeah, the plan was to not use the shower at all; spouse is sometimes a little clueless. Don't own a hair dryer so I guess we're stuck leaving it to air dry.

