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Insulating the Garage ceiling


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  • Insulating the Garage ceiling

    I need to insulate our garage ceiling. Our newest child's bedroom is above the garage and it gets cold in there in the winter. Our garage is finished and I am sure there is insulation above the sheetrock, but not enough. I spoke with my father about it and he said he insulated the garage ceiling in our house when growing up (20+ years ago) with insulation squares that allow you to insulate without having to put up sheetrock. They were thick tiles that had a pin/screw in the center that goes up into the existing sheetrock and hold it in place. He said it worked great. I don't know what they are called and cannot find them. Does anyone know of this product? Our house is 4 years old. If I cannot find this product, what would be the cheapest, best suggestion?

  • #2
    Not only is it against code to have insulation exposed, it is extremely dangerous especially in a garage situation.
    If the room above the garage was finished when you bought the home the insulation in place should be (that's a "should be") R19 which meets code requirements for this situation. Most heat loss is via the roof, what insulation is in place above the ceiling in the effected room and what insulation is in the walls ?
    Insulation in the ceiling should be a min. of R30 and walls R13
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