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Wallboard Identification


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  • Wallboard Identification


    I have just started a major renovation project on my basement (home was built in 1920), and have been ripping out the wallboard on the ceiling. At first everything was just drywall. Then I came across the wallboard shown in the attached image (I apologize for the low quality of the image).

    Can anyone help me identify this type of wallboard? I am afraid it might contain harmful materials and want to make sure I take all of the necessary steps to safely remove the it before continuing.

    I can tell you that it was probably installed in 1947. When I tore out the first chunk I was almost smacked in the head with two very old whiskey bottles that fell out. One had some sort of liquor license stamp on it that was dated 1947.

    Thank you for your help.

  • #2
    It looks to be an old version of drywall, before they started using gypsum. I don't believe they used anything dangerous in it's manufacture, in fact I believe it is simply compressed paper fiber.
    BUT that said you should always wear a mask when doing any sort of demolition.
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