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Basement Cold room problem


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  • Basement Cold room problem

    I have a cold room in the basement of my 15 year old house.
    It sits directly underneath the porch. The porch is concrete with natural stone over it.
    The cold room is covered entirely with dry wall, and therefore, I cannot tell whether it is insulated or not. There are no cold air vents installed.
    In the past two year I have started experiencing condensation problems in the cold room.
    The water penetrates the dry wall in multiple spots. The drywall feels wet and saturated with moisture. In the cold weather it freezes up and gets covered with snow.
    The cold room has a regular wood door, which leads to the rest of the finished basement.
    How do I deal with this problem?

  • #2
    I wasn't aware that they were building "cold rooms: in homes 15 years ago.
    How does this room get "snow" in it ?
    If the drywall has been getting wet for some time then you need to remove the effected drywall and fix where the water is entering the space.
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3
      I saw this exact problem dealt with on the TV show "Holmes on Homes" over the weekend. I think it was on HGTV in Canada. Heat and moisture are getting into the cold room through and around the wood door & your drywall & insulation could be full of MOLD!

      As I recall they removed all the drywall and insulation and installed a metal exterior door to insulate the cold area from the warm interior of the house.

