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Bullet holes....


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  • Bullet holes....

    Since we don't have an exterior 'barn' maintenance topic on this board, I'm forced to post here. There ware a few bullet holes in the barn roof from New Year's Eve celebrations from the past. It's the typical gambrel roof, but on the downhill side it's almost twenty feet to the eves. Add another ten to the first ridge and another six or so for the center ridge and it's getting pretty high up there. I'm NOT a fan of heights. might I be able to repair these from the inside? There are two lofts at each end of the building that are even with the eves. I can ladder that height and access them from inside. I was thinking....(!)....Goosh some roof cement in the hole and then twirl a small, right angled, rod around to smear it to the shingles, then goosh more to seal it up. Think that would work? Any other ideas?

  • #2
    lol@goosh....I'm going to steal that adjective for future use.

    If you cut the asphalt sealant tubes nose small enough (leave it in the sun for a bit to make the sealant a little more pliable) to fit in the bullet hole you should be able to squeeze out some that will flow onto the roof deck and as you do that slowly pull the tube backwards so it fills the hole as well.
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3

      Well, Pushkins, I don't believe I've ever used it as an adjective. But certainly many, many times as a verb! But it is an appropriate descriptor to repair an arbengated barn roof!

