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Patio Wall leak. Help..!!!


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  • Patio Wall leak. Help..!!!

    This is my first thread on the forum and this is my first house so please excuse me if I end up asking silly questions.

    I have a patio on the 2nd floor right above my garage.
    2 side of the patio shares common wall with two room on the 2nd floor.
    The other two side are facing the street. I guess they are about 4 feet wall and seems like water is leaking from the top of that wall into my garage.
    Also this wall are not block wall. They are wooden with stucco on it. Please see the following pictures.

    The two wall facing the street:

    Click image for larger version

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    Other pictures are of top of the wall. This part seems soft when you press it and so I am sure water is leaking from there.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	87912

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	87913
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	87914

    i have tried to seal it with different types of sealers i got from Lowes. They work but when it rains a lot, they are useless.

    I cannot afford to call someone to fix it. It's too expensive here.

    So I need some tips from you guys.
    What can i do to fix it before it starts raining again.

    I was reading and seems like just putting stucco is not enough?

    Let me know how you will do it.

    Any kind of help and information will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

  • #2
    Firstly welcome to the forum, secondly the only silly question is one not asked.

    You need to work out exactly where the water is coming from, often it is the flashing, look at where that roof and stucco meet you should see a piece of metal flashing that attaches up behind the stucco wall. Also check the patio, where does the water that falls on it go ?
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3
      You can seal the edges of that wall from where water are running through

