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Nailing J-channel under existing siding


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  • Nailing J-channel under existing siding

    Hello, We are working on a window project replacing 22 windows under vinyl siding. Unfortunately, the existing siding covers the 2-inch nailing zone that should be left around the windows for the flange. I am hoping to cut back the existing siding and install a 2-inch trim. If we do this then we have to install new J-channel because it will need to be longer than the existing j-channel. Removing the J-channel and cutting back the siding is the easy part. What I can't figure out is if there is a way to nail the new j-channel in place because the nailing flange will be under existing siding. Hand nailing would be very risky. Do you guys know any tricks for nailing the j-channel under existing siding? Or do we have to peel off the existing siding around the windows?

  • #2
    The only safe way to to the J channel is to remove the siding around the window and re install once you have it done.
    It will make the window install much easier as well.
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3
      i agree with the last post, taking off the siding will be much easier and faster in the long run.


      • #4
        replacing the j channel

        The j channel that is over top of our bay window has warrped. There is a significant gap between the house and the siding. Every time it rains our ceiling gets wet in our living room. We are not in the market to get new siding for the whole house. Can a j channel be replaced or do you need to have all new siding installed?


        • #5
          the siding that is adjacent to your window has a piece of edging that goes over the cut edge. this in turn slips into the J track. Use a siding tool and pry out the siding on both sides of the window. Lift up on the long side of the siding and remove the J track which is nailed in several places. measure the length of the window and add an inch to both ends. make a ninety degree bend with pliers at the 1 inch end(s) down. nail the J track atop the window moulding fitting the bent ends into the side J tracks. now replace the siding pieces.


          • #6
            Even with the J channel you should have a piece of window flashing over the window. J channel is not designed to weather tight a window, it's basic job is to contain the siding and shed water down either side is purely a secondary measure.
            Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
            Every day is a learning day.

