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outside paint prep


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  • outside paint prep

    The house I own is in dire need of a paint job. The base color is white and subsequent color is blue, very faded. The white was left on so long without repainting, that it cracked and chipped. The blue was applied over that without prep. So, what I have is a faded blue house with a very rough surface. When I use a putty knife, I can scrape off big pieces of paint where the white is still there under the blue. I want to find an easy way to clean it up and smooth it out so it can be primed and repainted. I have already tried a power washer, but that only got some of it and left an awful mess. Any ideas?

  • #2
    I'm afraid it is not an easy job but old paint should be removed totally, the surface re-primed and a finish applied. Electric paint removers bubble up the paint which is scraped off with a stiff putty knife. In the olden days gas powered blow torches were used but are a fire hazard. Propane torches can also be used but you still have that fire hazard. A coarse belt on a belt sander will remove paint at an alarming rate but you'd have all that dust flying around, maybe a health hazard to you and your neighbors. Those gel type paint removers are way too messy and time consuming. Like I said its not easy but the end result would give you something to be proud of.


    • #3
      I agree

      I would agree with Hayzee

      not an easy job but it will be rewarded with no peeling paint in the future.
      Doing things the right way is never easy and with painting you will many more years out of the paint if you do the prep work.

      excellent advice Hayzee


      • #4
        Thanks guys... I will post some pics of before and after once I figure out how to do that. I am going to start on the scraping and sanding next week. Today is yardwork day.

        Have a good one!


        • #5
          you could use a high pressure washer those things can remove alot of old material fast.. good luck
          Is it beer thirty??


          • #6
            Bob she mentioned using a pressure washer already with more mess than needed. - Hayzee

