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Home renovation estimate calculator and professional service directory.


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  • Home renovation estimate calculator and professional service directory.

    I am planning a large renovation of my residence with roofing, deck and landscaping done. The architect I have consulted in Brooklyn has given me figures after getting details of the roofs etc. But the numbers he has given me really stress my budget. Is anyone aware of or used any websites where I can calculate estimates for renovation and even consult a free contractor and professional service directory. Thanks!
    Last edited by samantha_4i4; 06-12-2009, 07:13 PM.

  • #2
    Home renovation estimate calculator and professional service directory

    Please mention what the architect or contractor you nave consulted bidding with. Is it your description or a set of drawings? If you want to calculate the cost of your renovation project you can use homerenovationestimateDOTcom/ It provides an online home renovation cost calculator where you can choose project from the navigation menu and calculate the estimate for your home renovation and it’s totally free. Moreover it caters a free contractor and professional service directory with personals related to the business.
    Last edited by keith902jk02; 08-21-2007, 07:04 AM.

