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Gutter guard suggestions?


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  • Gutter guard suggestions?

    This is my first time posting on this board.
    I'm looking to install a good quality gutter guard system to protect my gutters from build up of leaves, pine needles, tree branches, etc.
    I've been searching on-line and have looked at several gutter guard systems.
    Obviously each of the products claim they're the best.
    I have no past experience with gutter guard systems.
    Would appreciate advice from the pros here on gutter guards.


  • #2
    WOW, this guy got a great response.....Posting September 7, 2007 and today, June 19, 2008 I search it out because I have the EXACT same question.

    Today, I was shown a cover that is difficult to describe. About 70% of this cover is SOLID aluminum. However, it has small, holes with dimples punched into it (it has an upstream bias). This isn't the classic expanded metal screen and this is not a surface-tension "helmet".

    Since TLC got zero responses I expect much the same.

    By the way, mister TLC I can tell two things:

    1) My parents had the "Gutter Helmet" brand. It seemed to perform as-advertised and they seemed to be happy with it.

    2) I am also aware of a house in the woods with expanded metal screens. The screens performed ok; however oak pollen deals DID build up, begin to "compost" and started to grow some moss- and do this right against the house (ouch, probably not the best situation.

    Nevertheless, here I am, 3/4 of a year later- needing some sort of gutter protection on the house and trying to sift through the "thick bologna" of our system is the BEST EVER and thier system sucks dirty down-spout water.


    • #3
      instead of searchinf for countless hours at home depot or lowes for a commercial product it may behoove you to look towards an industrial supply company for expanded aluminum. mc master-carr industrial supply or msc industrial supply. you can get expanded aluminum or perforated aluminum.


      • #4

        If you haven't used a gutter guard before, I would definitely use Gutterglove gutter protection. I installed it on my home because it keeps out all the leaves, pine needles and even roof sand grit from entering your gutters because it uses a very fine micro mesh for filtering all debris out. I don't have to climb a dangerous ladder to clean out my gutters ever again. Yahoo! You know, they also got the highest rating in a national consumers magazine from testing numerous gutter guards. I just wanted to recommend them and pass on this tip.


        • #5

          I tried out the ones from Hallett. So far, the debris has been kept out as much as possible and I regularly clean my gutters. I had it on my home for almost 4 years now, and no serious issue whatsoever.
          Last edited by pompidoi; 05-26-2011, 09:11 AM.

