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Detecting Concrete Slab w/Rebar


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  • Detecting Concrete Slab w/Rebar

    Hi all,

    I'm looking into purchasing a home in an area where the builders cut a few corners. One of the BIG things they didn't do correctly was place rebar in the concrete foundations. People in the area sometimes have cracked slabs and it really can mess with their flooring. Before I purchase a home, I'd like a little piece of mind. What I'd like to do is to detect whether the home has rebar in the foundation or not. Does anyone know of any service in Southern California or a method of detecting rebar in concrete?

  • #2
    If you can get your hands on a good quality metal detector for a few hours you can do it yourself, there are some places that rent them out by the hour.
    Your other option could and might well be an expensive one, there are companies out there that specialize in construction x ray, mainly for high rise and pressure sensitive building. These will not be cheap (if you can even them to come out ).Here is one place that does what your looking for Ground Penetrating Radar Services
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