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Asbestos-cement shingles


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  • Asbestos-cement shingles

    A friend of mine is looking into buying a house with this. Is this dangerous in any way? If it is breaking off or pieces chipping off, can it be harmful to a child? If she has to remove it, who does it? She was told it can not be removed by a general contractor. Does anyone know how much money that would cost to do? Any information would be greatly appreciated. She has two small children and it is a concern for her.

  • #2
    Asbestos shingles are safe as long as they are not damaged, crumbling or otherwise in general disrepair. Asbestos is relatively safe until when disturbed or broken the fibers become airborne and then the trouble begins.
    It cannot be removed by a general contractor that is not licensed to handle asbestos, same goes with anyone who handles this product. Make sure any company you have doing the work is licensed to handle asbestos....VERY IMPORTANT.
    There are companies around that will repair damaged asbestos shingles and then coat them (encapsulate) in a bonding agent, that is both safe and cosmetically appealing.
    This page should help you: Asbestos Shingles on Your House? What to Do When They Need to be Replaced!
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