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House Shingles above porch roof


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  • House Shingles above porch roof

    We had a new roof put on the summer. When the old roof was taken off, it was so thick it left a big gap between the bottom of the house shingles and the porch roof. The contractor finally sent someone out to fix it. Here is a picture of what the area looks like now. The carpenter said this gap needs to be there because otherwise the rainwater will rot the house shingles.

    My sister says the area in the gap will rot. I emailed the contractor and sent him pictures of the job his workman did and he said yes, that is the way it is supposed to be done. The flashing is inside there.

    Please help.

    Thank you.


  • #2
    the area in question should have an aluminum flashing installed BEFORE the course of shingles were put on. your sister is correct. the sheathing will rot or else leak water into the house. from what I can see in the photo, I can see the vertical boards underneath.


    • #3
      It looks like there is step flashing in behind the siding, if so it's is fine.
      Can you see if under neath the new pieces of siding if there is any aluminum or galvanized metal other wise known as step flashing ?
      Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
      Every day is a learning day.


      • #4
        Take a closer look

        I would get up there and examine the area. Make sure that the flashing iis really under there. if it is, you should be ok. Maybe put some type of water sealer on the bottom edge of the shingles.


        • #5

          I only wish I could get up there and take a look. My husband used to take care of these things but now he is sick.


          I can't see about the flashing, but they mentioned it, so I guess I just have to hope it is there.


          So you are saying the flashing should be right underneath the shingles?

          Thank you all for your help! Loretta


          • #6
            the outside wall has sheathing with a type of rosin paper underneath. then, black tarpaper sometimes called felt paper on top of that. at the juncture of the wall and roof is step flashing, and finally the siding - shakes or clapboards go.


            • #7
              Can you take another picture zoomed in to the flashing area ?
              Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
              Every day is a learning day.


              • #8
                I can't, that's the best we can do. But last night we shined a flashlight on it, and it looks like there is something black behind it, and my husband said when the men put the roof on, one of them showed him some black flashing material in their truck.


                • #9
                  then all I can say is for you to waterproof the edges of the shingles. there is a product called PENETROL - it is a paint additive but used alone will soak into the wood and will prevent dry rot and make the wood supple and somewhat waterproof.


                  • #10
                    Thank you. I wish I could do that, but I can't get up there.

