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aluminium windows


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  • aluminium windows

    We recently bought an old house which has old metal windows that slide up and down in the sun porch. My problem is that the latches on the top windows don't seem to catch and the windows just slide down, the previous owner just jammed sticks between the window and the sill, but I am wondering if there is anyway to fix these types of windows.

  • #2
    two latches that I've seen are 1) a spring loaded latch that is basically a wire bent into a U and spring loaded at its base. 2) a flip up latch that is an eccentric cam. flipped up it squeezes the window panel against the aluminum frame. in this case if the eccentric is still ok, maybe fitting a piece of shim stock to the frame(s) left and right side with glue to take up the slack.


    • #3
      Aluminum windows

      I live in a mobile home and my windows are like the ones you described. You may have to go to a mobile home dealer and buy the latch and springs.They are in my area $1.95 a set. My son in law had to fix mine.You might take a picture of it and take to home improvement store also.
      Hope this helps,
      P.S. A repair man was going to come out and fix all my windows for $30.00 each. Son in law for free. PRICELESS

