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Crack in brick wall


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  • Crack in brick wall


    Today I noticed I have a fairly large crack in the wall near a corner of my house. If you look at the attached images, the crack extends all the way from the corner of the window to the top of the vent that is barely visible in the lower left of the one pic. At it's widest point, just below the window, it's wide enough to easily slide a key into. The house is 40 years old and the inspector didn't find any problems when I purchased it less than a year ago. He actually said it was in the best shape he'd ever seen for a home it's age. What worries me is it appeared pretty recently. It's obvious enough that I'm sure I would have noticed it before today if it had been there awhile so I'd guess it's a month old at the VERY most.

    Is this something I should be worried enough to call someone about? And who would I even call to look at this? A general home contractor? A masonry company? A structural engineer?

    Thanks for your feedback.

  • #2
    if the crack gets bigger, yes, I'd worry about it. it seems to indicated something on the left of the house is settling. maybe foundation is settling, maybe a small earthquake in your area, find some gray colored silicone sealer or clear sealer. force the goop into the crack. upon curing it should hold things together just from the adhesion qualities of the silicone.

