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  • creosote

    I guess creosote use is against the law, at least in this area, although it is still used on railroad ties. Is there another wood preservative that works as well as creosote?

    Thank you.


  • #2
    Your right, the days of creosote and engine oil being poured on fence posts etc... are well and truly over (thank god).
    There are plenty of alternatives available at Lowes or HD etc...Wolman make a good product.
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3
      Thank you, Pushkins,

      You see, our front porch roof is being supported by two railroad ties. About 20 years ago one started to rot at the bottom and needed to be changed, so my husband just went up to the neighborhood lumberyard and picked up a new one.

      Now the other one is rotting and I have been trying to find a replacement and they don't seem to be so easy to find anymore. So far all we have found are ones that are not in good enough shape to use, but I have been given a suggestion of a place they might have them and am hopeful.

      Meanwhile, creosote is supposed to be really bad; also in case I can't find a railroad tie that will work and have to get a substitute of some kind, I wonder if the substitute would be as long lasting as the railroad ties with creosote have been. They don't go into the ground but rest on our concrete porch, which gets wet with rainwater often.

      Thank you.


