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Craftsman Whisper Drive belt driven


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  • Craftsman Whisper Drive belt driven

    The problem I’m having is that when I open the door for the first time each day it jumps or jerks and making a loud noise then continues to go up quietly and smooth. I then shut the door and when I open it again it opens perfect. It only happens the first time each day.

    It is not the rollers or hinges. It also is not the down limit switch either. I changed it to stop an inch before the floor so I could see sunlight not allowing the bar to bend or load up. Then the next morning the same thing happened so it’s not the down limit switch. If I open it manually there are no issues. Its like the trolley sticks but I have lubricated it so that’s not it. Any ideas?

    Thanks, Scott

  • #2
    If your door is painted, it can stick to the jamb/weather seal sitting over night. That first opening breaks that seal for the day. Try to open your door manually tomorrow morning g. If you can not open it or you here it pop and unstuck then that is the issue.


    • #3
      I actually tried spraying silicone between each panel and did the whole duct tape thing on the floor for the weatherstrip. Still making the noise. Maybe the silicone spray didn't work. What could I use so the paint between the panels doesn't stick?


      • #4
        We use wax which can be bought at many hardware stores. It's called "Gulf wax" and it has three bars to a box. They are much like soap bars and you can rub in on any area you think might be sticky.

        We also wax under each strut on heavier wood doors to reduce noise due to flexing.

        Sprays soak in and/or evaporate/rub off and are fairly ineffective.


        • #5
          Perfect... I'll try it tonight and let you know. Thanks!!


          • #6
            You're welcome and good luck!


            • #7
              It was the painted door stocking to the weatehrstrips on both vertical sides. I used the wax but still was sticking a little bit so I put vaseline and that did the trick. Thank you so much!!!


              • #8
                You're welcome!

