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Animals keeps chewing through garages seal


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  • Animals keeps chewing through garages seal

    I had a problem where animals (mice and chipmunk, probably) chew through the garage bottom seal. I had the seal replaced and stuffed with steel wool. 2 years later, it happened again. This time the animal chew though the outer layer, pull the steel wool out and then continue into the garage. At first, I was wondering what they were after, but it turns out I left a bag of grass seeds behind.

    In any case, I am wondering what options I have. My original garage door installer told me that there is a product that incorporate a steel mesh into the seal. It's not cheap and he was going to call the manufacturer to get some info on the cost, but after a few follow up calls, he stop returning my calls. I called a second guy, but he said those seals are usually for commercial doors, which uses a different seal than residential.

    I should get the seal replaced any way, I was just hoping to get it fixed so that it doesn't happen again.


  • #2
    Hi Paul,

    This question was asked a long time ago and I am hopeful you might have already fixed the issue. I will share some tips for future or for people facing similar issues.

    If you're looking to keep animals from chewing through your garage door seal, you might want to consider a few options. Seals with steel mesh or metal fibers can offer extra protection and are designed to be more resistant to damage from pests. These types of seals are sometimes used in commercial settings, but there are residential versions available as well. You could try reaching out to different garage door suppliers or manufacturers to find one that offers these enhanced seals. Adding extra barriers like metal strips along the bottom of the door might also help. Additionally, addressing any potential pest issues around your garage can prevent animals from getting too close.

    Thank you!

