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Linear LD050 runs as soon as it is plugged in and will not stop unless you unplug it.


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  • Linear LD050 runs as soon as it is plugged in and will not stop unless you unplug it.

    Opener runs as soon as it is power up and does not stop. the limit switch is in tack and adjusted correctly. runs in one direction only. Could this be a control board gone bad. Its a Linear LD 050 about 9yrs. old .. Any ideas ?? Thanks for any help..

  • #2
    Hi there!

    Even though your question was asked back in 2015, I hope you were able to resolve the issue with your Linear LD050 opener. If you're still dealing with the problem, or if someone else finds themselves in a similar situation, here's what might be going on:

    The symptoms you described—where the opener runs continuously in one direction as soon as it’s powered on—still point to a few potential causes. A faulty control board would be a top suspect, as it controls the signals to the motor. After nine years of use, it's possible that components on the board wore out or failed.

    Other possibilities include stuck or damaged relays, which control motor operations, or even wiring issues that could cause the motor to keep running. Checking the wiring and relays, and inspecting the control board for any visible damage, would still be good steps to take.

    If you’ve already replaced your opener or solved the issue, great! But if someone else is facing this, I hope this advice helps.

    Thanks for asking the question, and best of luck with any future projects!

