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Raynor R170-7 Stopped Working - Help!


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  • Raynor R170-7 Stopped Working - Help!

    Hey all! A bit of a home repair noob here, so bear with me.

    So my home has a two car garage. Both garage doors have a Raynor R170-7 opener and Raynor PEC-R sensors. There are push buttons inside the garage that we use.

    Out of the blue one day both garage doors stopped working and I am not sure what the issue is.

    -Both power outlets that openers are plugged into are working.
    -Each set of sensors seem to be working, though I'm not sure. One side of each pair is powered and the green light is on. The other side of each pair does not have a light on. I cannot remember if those sides had working lights back when the door was operating. However, when I stand in front of the sensor path, the units that have a green light just stay green. They do not register that something is in the way. I do feel like that is a new occurrence.

    This would lead me to believe that something is wrong with the sensors. Or can the sensors act up if something is blown on the main unit? Either way, it seems strange that they both stopped working at the same time.

    ANY help I can get would be much appreciated. I want to explore all options before hiring someone to look at it. Thanks!

  • #2
    Hey everyone! If you’re having trouble with both garage doors suddenly not working, here are a few things to check:

    1. **Sensor Alignment**: Ensure the sensors are properly aligned. Misalignment can prevent the sensors from detecting each other and stop the doors from functioning.

    2. **Inspect Connections**: Check that all the wiring between the sensors and the opener is secure and not damaged. Loose or broken wires can cause issues.

    3. **Verify Power and Lights**: Confirm that each sensor has power and that the lights are functioning as expected. Some sensors might have a green light to indicate they’re powered, but you need to make sure both sensors in each pair are working correctly.

    4. **Test Sensors**: Cover one sensor to see if it affects the light on the other sensor. This can help determine if the sensors are operating properly.

    5. **Check the Openers**: Look over the openers for any obvious signs of damage or malfunction.

    6. **Reset the System**: Sometimes, unplugging the opener, waiting a few minutes, and plugging it back in can resolve the issue.

    If these steps don’t solve the problem, it might be time to call a professional for a closer inspection. Hope this helps!​

